Police and decent salaries – El Sol de México

Public security is an essential function of the State whose purpose is to safeguard the integrity and rights of people, as well as preserve freedoms, order and public peace. Their work is essential to guarantee citizens an environment of trust and protection to live and develop the potential and well-being of society as a whole.

Recently, the Belisario Domínguez Institute of the Senate of the Republic published a strategic note with the objective of establishing rankings of the federal entities based on the average monthly salary of their police officers and traffic agents, based on the information provided by the Data portal. Mexico of the Ministry of Economy. Unfortunately, the information shows a less than encouraging picture.

The analysis of average monthly salaries in the 32 states, during the first three quarters of 2023, shows that, in the best case (Nuevo León), it represented an amount of 14,119 pesos; while, in the worst case (Morelos), the average monthly salary was only 2,331 pesos, equivalent to 35% of a monthly minimum wage, even less than half of a minimum wage.

In the period from 2018 to the first three quarters of 2023, the states that paid the highest average salary were: 1) Nuevo León with 12,175 pesos; 2) Coahuila with 11 thousand 886 pesos; and 3) Baja California Sur with 11,152 pesos. While the states with the lowest average monthly salary were: 1) Morelos with 3,402 pesos; 2) State of Mexico with 4,937 pesos; and 3) Querétaro with 5 thousand 270 pesos.

The impoverishment of police work implies serious risks for the integrity of public security forces and society. Since it makes its members more susceptible to the threats of corruption that are latent as part of their work. That is why an effective way to protect citizens is to provide better salaries to police officers.

We need security elements to combat the scourge of insecurity, dignify police work in Mexico, commit to the members of the public security forces at all levels of government, providing them with training, equipment, as well as fair and decent remuneration. that provide well-being to their families and reflect the commitment to the people of Mexico. “Police work involves risks that are significantly higher than those of most jobs,” concludes the Belisario Domínguez Institute.

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