Police remove man with injured dog from CDMX Metro and cause outrage – El Sol de México

A video began to circulate on social networks in which police banking of CDMX Metro they lowered a user of transport, at the Garibaldi station on Line 8, because he was carrying an injured dog in his arms.

In the video you see that the puppy was injuredbecause in addition to walking with his eyes closed despite the noise, he did not move and his owner argued that he used the CDMX Metro to transport his pet on a veterinary emergency.

After the subject’s refusal, two police officers use of force in order to get him to get off the car, to which the man argued that they were going to “hurt the dog more”, which was also ignored by the police while the dog’s barking was heard in the form of a whine.

Given the use of force, other people who were in the car complained to the police. “The dog, don’t go too far,” were shouts that could be heard in the background while the police dragged the subject out of the car.

To the users’ complaints, a police officer responded “he doesn’t have the necessary measures. Who would like to be bitten? No one, right?

Users react to the video in which police officers take down the man with the injured dog in the CDMX Metro

Users of the social network people are in the possibility of buy a conveyor or pay for a taxi (…) Sometimes the lack of empathy surprises”.

“No. In no way did the CDMX Metro act well. Appalling! The little dog was calm, without causing problems or bothering anyone,” said @VozGato.

“How terrible, that’s why we have the police for usesr all authority against a person carrying an injured dog. Not if we are as we are,” said user @IsraelGSalinas.

Given the criticism, the CDMX Metro assured that the dog was removed at the request of the users because it did not have the security measures for its transfer, which according to the transportation system is by means of a transporter.

Furthermore, through a information card They assured that the staff of the General Directorate of Internal Affairs of the SSC and the Directorate of Corporate Supervision and Evaluation of the Industrial Banking Police are carrying out a research folder to evaluate the performance of the uniformed personnel.

Can I travel with my dog ​​on the CDMX Metro?

In accordance with article 161, section XI, of the Federal District Mobility Lawpets can travel on public transportation as long as they do so in a carrier.

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