PRD warns that opposition will face scenarios of violence and insecurity in elections – El Sol de México

He Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) denounced this Thursday that the coalition of which he is a part with the PRI and the PAN“Strength and Heart for Mexico,” will face a crisis of insecurity in the hands of the organized crime and a state election.

Jesús Zambrano Grijalva, national president of the PRDwarned that scenarios of violence are being generated without the federal government assume its responsibility to guarantee safe and peaceful elections and described the protocol presented by the National Electoral Institute (INE) to protect the electoral process.

The party leader added that the security of a federal election is a fundamental responsibility of the Federal government, which is why he demanded the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that he does not evade his responsibility to guarantee peace in the federal elections.

“Today there are not enough guarantees for these elections, it is not enough for some candidates to be assigned an escort or guard,” reproached the leader of the PRD.

When talking about the country’s insecurity, he maintained that “we are drowning in blood and National Palace “They are locked in a bubble, they do not see, they do not listen, nor they take into account what is really happening.”

In a press conference from Quintana Roo, Zambrano presented José Esquivel as a candidate for municipal president of Felipe Carrillo Puerto; to Humberto Lara, for Women Island; to Manuel Chao, for Bacalar; to Mayra Alanís, for Puerto Morelos; and Edith Encalada, as an aspiring local deputy.

Finally, Zambrano Grijalva reiterated that the PRD It is in a process of reopening to society and advancing in its process of strengthening its structures to win the majority of municipalities.

“We present outstanding citizens who have joined our party as candidates for a position of choice to walk together and rescue the entity,” he concluded.

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