Protection of personal data, vital to prevent gender violence: INAI – El Sol de México

Josefina Román Vergara, Commissioner of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI)pointed out that the protection of personal data is essential to prevent gender violence and ensure that women and girls have control over their personal information, which is also contemplated within the Agenda 2030.

The preservation of privacy and the proper management of personal data, he stressed, “help promote peaceful, fair and inclusive societies, in accordance with the provisions of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations”.

Roman Vergara stated that the collection and misuse of personal data can exacerbate inequalities and undermine justice.

Privacy, he said, “is linked to quality education, which is why data protection in educational environments It is essential to ensure that students have safe and equitable access to information and learning opportunities.”

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“The lack of protection of personal data in education can undermine trust and limit access to education,” emphasized the INAI commissionerduring his participation in the Forum “The Privacy Route in Morelos”.

He reiterated that through the voices of experts the usefulness of the right to the protection of personal data has been proven to contribute to this ambitious global plan and address the global challenges, eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development around the worldsince they are fundamental to achieving a more equitable and secure future.

“In an interconnected and digital world, guaranteeing privacy is essential to avoid discrimination and abuse, It is also very important to protect human rights,” he said.

The also Coordinator of the INAI Personal Data Regulation Commissionnoted that the protection of personal data “is essential to prevent gender violenceand to ensure that women and girls have control over their personal information.”

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Josefina Roman He recalled that, since 2022, the routes of the Privacy Route began, with Yucatan as its starting point and, currently, the country has been traveled, from north to south, with this exercise to promote privacy. personal data protection.

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