Public transportation paralyzed in Chilpancingo due to violence – El Sol de México

The head of the State Directorate of Transportation and Roads, Arturo Salinas Sandoval, confirmed that 90 percent of transportation in all its modalities is suspended in Chilpancingo, after the armed attack on a urvans site.

The state official explained that of the 1,600 units that make up the state capital’s vehicle fleet, about 10 percent circulates.

However, he admitted that as a result of the armed attack on the urvan site occurred this Monday night that left one dead and one injured, Passenger service was paralyzed.

Following these events, he said, security operations were reinforced by the Mexican Army, National Guard and State Police, that perform random tours and filters.

Salinas Sandoval said that This Tuesday all those who make up the Coordination Table for the Construction of Peace are gathered, in order to implement strategies that guarantee the circulation of transport.

Precisely whatand at this time the only ones circulating are the units of the Violeta project, but they recognized that they are insufficient and therefore, they are analyzing how to shield Chilpancingo.

Finally He asked to ignore the threatening messages that circulate on social networks because they only cause fear and uncertainty in the population, which is why he asked that they only pay attention to the statements issued by the authorities.

Note published in The Sun of Acapulco

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