Residents of Texcaltitlán acted in legitimate defense: Edomex Prosecutor’s Office – El Sol de México

The Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Mexico determined that the residents involved in the confrontation that originated in Texcaltitlán against alleged members of organized crime On December 8, they performed in self defense.

However the prosecutor José Luis Cervantes reported that this decision can be challenged if applicable. In addition, the official detailed that there are 14 missing peoplemostly members of a family.

In this regard, he detailed a chronology of events regarding these disappearances and denied any financial requirement or condition for the delivery or exchange of the wanted persons.

He explained that December 13 in the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office he realized the disappearance of nine people whose names were made known by the media, for which an ex officio investigation was initiated.

A man reported his children missing

A man with the initials RGA, denounced the disappearance of his son of initials GGG, who declared that on the day of the events, when his son was on a soccer field in the community of Texcapilla, He was injured in the leg by a gunshot, which is why a family member took him to the hospital. Coatepec Harinas hospitalwhere after being treated, an armed group entered and took him from that place.

In this appearance, the same person reported the disappearance, which occurred on July 11, 2023, of another of his children with the initials OGG; However, the father of the missing person stated that he did not report him because he was the object of threats of death in case of doing so. It should be noted that although these events are unrelated to those that occurred on December 8, their investigation is continuing separately.

Regarding the previous events, the fiscal He pointed out that a few days ago a Teen identity withheld, who would have participated in the deprivation of GGG’s freedom in complicity with at least 10 other subjects, GGG and the also injured initials JBA are also accused of the kidnapping of OGG that occurred almost five months ago. This minor today was linked to process And I will imposed precautionary measure of internment.

What happened to the missing family?

In the chronology of what happened, on December 14, a woman went to the ministerial headquarters to carry out a formal complaint by disappearance of nine peoplefour of them minors.

The complainant He said that the nine people were intercepted at the height of the Toulca’s snowy when they were traveling aboard a vehicle about which he did not provide further information. He pointed out that in that place there was a checkpoint of armed people who did not allow them passage.

It should be remembered that the Justice Prosecutor’s Office initiated an ex officio investigation into the disappearance of nine people whose names were previously announced in media and these coincide with the names that are the subject of this latest complaint.

They are also looking for 3 other men; one of them police from Texcaltitlán

On the other hand, it was reported that on December 14, investigation ex officio for the disappearance of three more men, one of them with functions as an element of the municipal police of Texcaltitlán.

You have it, he said fiscalknowledge that these three people were traveling aboard a Chevrolet vehicle, type Aveo.

Subsequently, on December 19, a complainant came before the Public ministrywho referred to the disappearance of their relativeswho correspond to these same 3 individuals.

Therefore, the law enforcement institution concluded that The total number of missing people is 14 people, of which 4 are minors and 10 are adults (2 girls, 2 boys, 3 women and 7 adult men).

The announcement occurred during a Press conference headed by the Governor Delfina Gómezwho previously announced a agenda for Texcapilla based on three actions: providing security for the population, providing care to citizens and strengthening the social fabric while addressing priority needs such as health, education, economic development and others with a transversal and comprehensive vision.

For its part, the Sedena reported that they have reinforced security, not only in Texcaltitlanbut to other southern municipalities in a coordinated action and the installation of a National Guard Barracks.

Published in The Sun of Toluca

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