Rival criminal groups break into kindergarten in Chiapas and unleash shootouts – El Sol de México

Moments of panic were experienced this Thursday when two rival criminal groups clashed in a kindergarten located in the El Retazo neighborhood of Reforma municipalitylocated in the northern region of Chiapas which borders Tabasco.

According to the first reports, classes in the kindergarten were interrupted by the exchange of bullets between the two criminal groups, which caused The children fled along with several teachers.

First the shots were heard a few meters from the educational institution and then members of one of the gangs took shelter in kindergarten to respond to the attack that originated in an alleged safe house that is located next door.

For several minutes we heard the firearm detonations and later the elements of the Army, the National Guard, as well as the State Preventive Police arrived, who protected the children who were still on campus.

So far it is unknown if there are any people detained, but the Residents of the El Retazo neighborhood remain afraid that another shooting is recorded again.

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