Russia fires more than 150 missiles at Ukrainian cities; there are at least 16 dead – El Sol de México

Russia shot this friday more than 150 missiles and drones against several cities in Ukraine and caused at least 16 dead and 97 injuredin one of the most important air strikes in “a long time.”

“This morning, 150 missiles and drones attacked peaceful Ukrainian cities. We know there were 16 dead and 97 injured“, including two children of 6 and 8 yearss, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin stated on social media.

“The enemy used 158 means of air attack against Ukraine last nightboth missiles of different types and drones,” indicated the Ukrainian Air Force on Telegram, where it stated that it had intercepted 114 of these missiles and drones.

“Russia used all types of weapons in its arsenal,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the social network X.

“We haven’t seen so much red on our screens in a long time,” acknowledged Air Force spokesman Yuri Ignat.

The Russian Ministry of Defense limited itself to communicating that “they had achieved all their objectives” and indicated that there was “a major bombing” between December 23 and 29 against military infrastructure, ammunition depots and bases of Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries. .

“The horrible reality”

The attack took place three days after Moscow acknowledged that the ship “Novocherkassk” was damaged on Tuesday due to a Ukrainian bombardment in Feodosia, on the annexed Crimean peninsula.

This week was also marked by the announcement by the ukrainian army of a retreat to the suburbs of Marinka, a town in the east of the country that the Russian army claims to have conquered.

USA announced on Wednesday the disbursement of $250 million in military aid for Ukrainethe last support package available to the government without congressional approval.

“We do everything we can to reinforce our air shield, but the world must see that we need more help and means to stop this terror,” said Andrii Yermak, head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, on Telegram, where he denounced that the missiles hit “civil buildings”.

The American ambassador in kyiv, Bridget Brinkreacted to the bombing by assuring that “Ukraine needs aid funds right now to continue fighting for freedom and in the face of so much horror in 2024.”

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Friday’s bombings illustrate “the horrible reality” experienced by Ukrainians, the humanitarian coordinator of the UN for Ukraine, Denise Brown, who denounced “a wave of hate-filled attacks.”

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