Scotiabank asks to maintain dialogue with the government with the incoming government – El Sol de México

Adrian Oterogeneral director of Scotiabank Mexico, considers that even if one wants to keep the house in order, sometimes it is impossible. This when responding to the uncertainty caused by the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his six-year term, especially on issues of Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

He bankerthat directs the subsidiary of one of the Canada’s largest financial institutions clarifies that Perhaps the only pending aspect of the so-called Fourth Transformation is that dialogue and collaboration between the public-private sector be continued.

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ensures that this It is important to promote the economic growth and development of the country, especially in a context in which you can take advantage of the arrival or expansion of foreign companies.a phenomenon known as nearshoring.

In interview with The Sun of Mexicoprior to the 87 Banking Conventionwhich will take place next week in Acapulco, Guerrero, Otero stressed that the most important thing is to “work hand in hand” with all the actors involved in this task.

Yes indeed, regardless of the results of the elections on June 2the manager stated that the bank will continue to focus on growing in a fairly profitable and sustainable manner.

“The focus of Scotiabank “It is to remain a catalyst for the growth of this country and also for our clients to have the best possible experience,” he added.

“In the part of the public initiativethey are the ones who give the permits or the issue of paperwork; we have to be ready with the financingin maintaining solid institutions, that you have good services and accompanying that growth,” said the director of Scotiabank Mexico.

-What would be pending with the next administration?

More than pending, I would tell you that this never ends; we have a joint responsibility for support this country to continue growing. If this country grows, we will all do better, it’s that simple. There will be more investment and if there is investment, there is more employment, there is greater purchasing power. We have to help all of this be a catalyst, support and work hand in hand.

-Don’t trade disputes or diplomatic conflicts like the one in Ecuador generate noise?

Is everything always calm and harmonious in your house? In the end, when you have a bilateral or tripartite relationship, these types of talks, sometimes from different points of view, have to happen. The most important thing is to have institutions and have a dialogue to be able to understand what the different points are and to be able to have these meetings, because economic development is a very important objective that we have today.

-What was the good, the bad and the worst of López Obrador’s six-year term?

Something that has been widely recognized by the market, in general, was great fiscal discipline, a ratification of the T-MEC, and a great strength is the independence of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico)because then you have a solid financial system.

Regarding Scotiabank’s role in nearshoring in Mexico, Adrián Otero assures that the bank maintains conversations with foreign companies who want to settle in the country or grow their production.

From your perspective, The great advantage of the country is its geographical positionas it shares the northern border with the United States, a global economic power, and the free trade agreements that exist with various nations.

Nevertheless, Remember that nearshoring itself is a process with long-term resultsalthough with great benefits for the population or Mexican production chains in general.

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-How many companies are you supporting and from what sectors?

It has been very, very varied. We have seen very good activity from Canadian companies, from the United States, some from Asia and there are also Mexican companies.. These investments develop an entire ecosystem around the investment. We see signatures of manufacturefrom the sector automotiveof technology, health and consumption.

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