Searching mothers take over the mayor’s office of Fresnillo, Zacatecas, due to the increase in missing persons – El Sol de México

A group of approximately 50 searching women They took the municipal presidency of Fresnillo, in Zacatecas, this Monday morning, for demand the location of their relatives and report a rebound in cases of disappearance.

After block access to offices, They expressed the need to improve security conditions since, they affirm, In just one week, nearly 30 people have been reported missing.

According to the record of the National Search Commissionso far this year The disappearance and non-location of 86 people in the municipality have been reportedof which the whereabouts of 59 are still unknown, of the latter, 12 are women.

It should be noted that, of new cases reported this year in Fresnillo of people who remain unlocatedseven correspond to minors, of which six are women.

“They haven’t given me a clue about anything, There is nothing positive about my son’s disappearance.“We are still here, fighting and standing because I need to know about my son,” declared Patricia, one of the protesters, who since March 1, 2023 has been searching for her 33-year-old son Raúl Plascencia Castañeda.

“There is nothing, it is as if it had been yesterday, as if my son’s situation had been yesterday, I have not had any response. His file in the prosecutor’s office is very large but there has been no response“, he added in an interview for The Sun of Zacatecas.

The interim municipal president of FresnilloRita Rocío Quiñonez de Luna acknowledged that “the increase in cases of disappearance is alarming”However, he acknowledged that does not know the number of cases.

When questioned by the press, she stated that what What you do know is “the percentage” of disappearancesbut he refused to disclose it “because then it could hinder investigations.”

Fresnillo, city with the highest perception of insecurity in the country According to INEGI, it is also the municipality in the state with the most disappearances and non-locations. During 2023 alone, 350 were reported, of which, to date, the search for 232 continues.

We are in a town where we no longer have security, We are all afraid to go out with our children, what is happening? In just one week there are 30 missing (…) we want things done, enough with the promises,” said another of the protester searchers who asked that her name be omitted.

The protesters pointed out that they will maintain the presidency and They demanded the presence of security authoritieslike the State Attorney General of Justice, Cristian Paul Camacho.

campaign promise

It was in the municipality of Fresnillo, where on March 1 Xochitl Galvez He began his presidential campaign, “because it is where people are afraid,” he said at the time.

That morning, Leticia Castaneda Cruzaunt of Raúl Plascencia Castañeda, was the only one who spoke in addition to the candidate at the rally, spoke as representative of relatives of missing persons and denounced the increase in disappearances.

At that time, the candidate of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition stated that “it will be national priority the search for missing people“This country cannot continue ignoring the wounds opened by thousands of missing Mexicans, we are going to look for them.”

“Rest assured to the mothers who have accompanied me on this journey and that I have heard their pain that We will do everything possible to make searching mothers heardcared for in everything they deserve”.

On April 4, the presidential candidate of the “Let’s continue making history” coalition, Claudia Sheimbaum visited Fresnillo and, during his rally did not comment on the disappearances.

AMLO ignores them

One year ago, on April 14, during the inauguration of the IMSS Bienestar Hospital of Fresnillo, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ignored the cries of the relatives of the disappeared, who They interrupted his speech with shouts and showing banners demanding the location of their relatives, in response they obtained a ““We are going to continue looking for them and we are going to continue doing justice, that is our commitment.” At the end of the event, he walked away without attending to them.

Published in The Sun of Zacatecas

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