Senate ratifies promotions for 230 members of the Army and Air Force – El Sol de México

The Senate of the Republic approved an opinion to ratify promotions of 230 elements of various ranks of the Mexican Army and Air Forceas generals and other ranks issued by the Federal Executive Branch.

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The senator of the National Action Party (PAN), Damián Zepeda Vidales, claimed that “the approval of these appointments is a submission of the Legislative Power to the Executive but, particularly to the military power, since no one in the plenary session of the Senate of the Republic “He knows them and yet, they are going to name them generals.”

In the same tone, Senator Emilio Álvarez Icaza Longoria of the Plural Group, said that it is important that the files of the members of the Armed Forcesgiven that There are proposed appointments that are implicated in cases of extortion and workplace harassment.

The president of the National Defense Commission, Félix Salgado Macedonio, spoke in defense of the presidential proposal, recognizing the work carried out by the Mexican Armed Forcesespecially in those states affected by natural disasters as in the case of Acapulco.

Clarified that The proposed military personnel meet the established legal requirements in the current regulations and have sufficient merits to hold the degree that has been conferred upon them.

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In addition, they have all the skills, technical and professional capacity, as well as the civil and military value to be ratified in the rank, and they have sufficient experience and the high degree of responsibility that is required, since they have held various positions in the Mexican Army and Air Force.

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