Silvia Pinal will remain hospitalized, but “everything is very good,” says her assistant – El Sol de México

“Mrs Silvia Pinal She is not going to leave today – Saturday the 30th -, Dr. Daniel Sierra is not going to discharge her, but everything is fine“, declared Efigenia Ramos, personal assistant of the actresson the outskirts of hospital where remains entered since last December 21.

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Efigenia immediately passed the baton to the doctor to explain the three medical reasons why the national cinema diva continues with 24-hour medical care in room 612 of the intermediate therapy area.

“The respiratory therapy is the one that is costing him the most work and the control of secretions,” indicated Dr. Sierra Lara.

“Why don’t we discharge her today? We have to fulfill three essential pillars: the most important is that adequately tolerate an oral routethat has good hydration statuseat well, hydrate and have a good caloric intake,” he explained.

“Otherwise,” he said, “we will return to the point for which entered in the early morning of December 21with their inadequate metabolic functions and severe dehydration; by meeting caloric intake and hydration, it is a big step forward.

The second pillar, the doctor mentioned, is to comply with a good pulmonary rehabilitationin order to have optimal management and, above all, expectoration of all secretions, in such a way that the tissue oxygenation.

The third point, he added, a good physical rehabilitation to have muscular strength “and prevent her from being alone lying down and at the same time having a change of positions so that ulcers do not arise, but above all she has good respiratory strength, which is the same as good and adequate ventilatory mechanics and will have the management of the secretions,” he explained.

In a press conference in a room located in the basement of Tower 1 of Médica Sur in Tlalpan, Dr. Daniel Sierra Lara declared that In another 24 hours it would be possible for the actress to leave.

“We are already in the final stretch of pulmonary rehabilitation and physical rehabilitation will be at home“If things go the way they do now, we can consider that the discharge could be tomorrow (Sunday the 31st),” he mentioned.

According to the doctor, the evolution in the health of the national cinema diva “is favorable, has had a good clinical response, we are doing well; The physical rehabilitation will be at her home because it is a safer setting and in which she feels much more comfortable. Of what It is the respiratory therapy that is costing him more work. and that it has good control of the secretions lodged in the trachea.”

When the actress and theater entrepreneur returns to her residence, “she already has the conditions to continue her medical treatments and emphasis will be placed on respiratory control and respiratory therapy at home will be organized sequentially. All infrastructure is and Two nurses will attend to you 24 hours a day.“, accurate.

This Saturday, Alejandra Guzmán could not be with Mrs. Silvia Pinal, because “she is right now attending to her own therapies, she has been there since the first day and she also has to take care of herself in terms of health,” explained Efigenia Ramos.

Finally, he delved into the Silvia Pinal’s state of mind: “She is quite animated today, we saw her hesitating a lot. She had a very good breakfast of oatmeal and her porridge; She swallows very well, she is very well, watching television and calm.”

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