Solar eclipse of 1991 in Mexico was narrated by Jacobo Zabludovsky – El Sol de México

“What we are seeing will not happen again, until April 8, 2024,” were the words of Jacob Zabludovskywho was doing a chronicle that would be part of his coverage of the Great Eclipse of 1991, for his 24 Hours program. The astronomical phenomenon that occurred 33 years ago will be repeated this April 8.

Zabludovsky covered what is also known as the “eclipse of the century.” To do so, he shared the following chronicle:

The Sun completely covered by the Moon surrounded by a completely white ring. In the cities darkness, drop in temperature, expectation. From Hawaii, the lunar shadow traveled to America at a speed of 2,600 kilometers per hour, arriving in Baja California Sur at 11:46 am (…) The Federal District that went dark for almost 7 minutes at 1: 24 pm in the Valley of Mexico was seen by millions of inhabitants in the most populated city in the world.”

Furthermore, the Mexican journalist recognized that in the Mexican Republic “the clouds behaved well,” so The Great Eclipse of Mexico could be seen in almost the entire national territory with the necessary precautions; not like in Honduras, in which four people suffered irreversible damage to their corneas.

At what time will the 2024 Solar Eclipse be seen in Mexico City?

This phenomenon that amazed most Mexicans will be repeated on April 8. In Mexico City and the State of Mexico you can enjoy a partial eclipse of the Sun 10:51 a.m. to 1:36 p.m.hours in which the day will darken by 74 percent.

On the other hand, the states that will enjoy a total solar eclipse will be the following:

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