Staff of the Congress of Nuevo León hits the interim governor agreement in the Palace – El Sol de México

After several hours of trying, staff from the State Congress managed to enter the Government Palace to paste the agreement to appoint the interim governor on the closed doors of the state Legal Department.

Armida Serrato, head of the Chief Congress Officer, came with her staff to leave the agreement, after hours before they had not allowed the Legislative employees to enter the government palace.

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The doors of the office in the palace were closed, so they decided to tape the four pages of the agreement that indicates that Luis Enrique Orozco Suárez is the interim governor from December 2 to June 2, which is what which covers Samuel García’s six-month license.

“In front of the closed office we are going to paste the instructions where the original agreements signed by the president of the local Congress and the secretariats are left so that the publication in the Official Newspaper is carried out,” said Serrato.

He recalled that staff were not allowed in hours before.

“My work team has been here since 9:11 a.m., they had already been told that the office was closed and we don’t know the reason.”

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The agreement, he said, is not subject to veto by the Executive, and is valid since it was approved by the plenary session of Congress, so its publication in the Official State Newspaper is only for dissemination, but is not essential.

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