They tried to take Nuevo León the wrong way: Samuel García after appointment of interim governor – El Sol de México

Samuel García, governor of Nuevo León, accused that the state Congress, with a majority of the PRI and the PAN, “tried to take Nuevo León the hard way” after the appointment of Luis Enrique Orozco as interim governor.

“26 PRIAN deputies contradict the 780 thousand votes that were given to the Citizen Movement two years ago to get rid of the old politics. 26 PAN deputies with the Adrián de la Garza Prosecutor’s Office entered the state Congress armed in an unprecedented manner to appoint an interim governor who is illegitimate and ineligible due to his position and because he depends on the PRIAN,” he said in a video he published on his account of

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The president, who on December 2 begins his leave from office for six months to run for the Presidency of the Republic, failed to mention in his message that a crowd forcibly entered Congress and that the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation determined yesterday morning that it was the power of local deputies to appoint the interim governor, as established by the Constitution of Nuevo León.

According to Gracía Sepúlveda, the deputies violated several sentences and provisional and definitive suspensions by judges that prevented the appointment of an interim governor who was not from Movimiento Ciudadano.

“We are not going to allow the PRIAN to return to the new Nuevo León, we are not going to allow 26 deputies who are puppets of these gangsters, these savages, to go against 780 thousand New Leonese who removed the old politics,” the still president threatened. neoleonese.

He asked for the support of the citizens of his state to avoid contradicting what Nuevo León won at the polls in 2021.

He accused that the national leaders of the PRI and PAN, Alejandro Moreno and Marko Cortés, respectively, came to Nuevo León to break agreements and cause excesses.

He also asked for help from the Judiciary and the judges who gave rulings in his favor so that the rulings that dictate that the interim governor must be from the same political platform (MC) are respected, and he asked for the full rigor of the law against the deputies. who disobeyed, he said, the sentences.

“These deputies have to pay for having disobeyed what their sentences clearly detailed that they could not appoint this spurious interim.”

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Samuel García has spent a large part of his government in conflict with the state Legislative Branch, first over the appointment of the attorney general after the resignation of Gustavo Adolfo Guerrero, a position that the deputies gave to Adría de la Garza, who contested against the emecista in the 2021 gubernatorial election.

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