Strike at Audi will extend; workers once again reject the company’s salary offer – El Sol de México

The strike in Audi Mexico will extend indefinitely, Well, the workers They rejected the salary offer again that the company did to them as part of the 2024 contractual review.

In the consultation process, which took place this Friday, February 9 at the University Cultural Complex (CCU) of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), 83.1 percent of employees voted against of the overall increase of 7.0 percent.

They registered a total of 3 thousand 778 votes, of which, seven were annulled; 3,139 were against the directors’ proposal and only 632 were in favor.

It is important to mention that said result was endorsed by personnel from the Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registry (CFCRL), which was present during the 14 hours that the day lasted.

Given this panorama, the Independent Union of Audi Mexico Workers (Sitaudi) and managers will have to return to the negotiating tables before federal authorities.

The above, in order for them to look for a salary proposal different from 7.0 percent and to be brought back to consultation so that it can be endorsed by the 4,159 technicians of the plant.

Audi Mexico respects the decision

Tarek Masshour, president of Audi México, announced through an audio directed at the working base, that will respect the decision that was made during voting day.

However, he assured that it is a worrying situation, since puts the job stability of employees at risk, as well as the competitiveness of the company.

Despite this, he said that They will face the problem with dialogue and transparency, Therefore, he is willing to return to the negotiating tables to solve the problem as soon as possible.

“This day has been very complex for all of us who are part of the company, as an important decision was made. At this moment, my feeling is sadness, because the agreement was not accepted. Given the circumstances, the strike will continue indefinitely, however, we will continue working to reach a good agreementhe concluded. Note published by El Sol de Puebla

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