Tesla will challenge 2024 in sales – El Sol de México

The manufacturer of electric cars, Teslawill start 2024 with new challenges in regulatory issues, full autonomous driving (FSD), and the goal of selling more than two million vehicles.

According to different analysts, the company Elon Musk is grappling with increased regulatory scrutiny of its information systems autonomous driving and other parts in the United States and some European countries.

Earlier this month, tesla withdrew almost all of his two million vehicles on American roads to install new safety measures. Even with this, Musk considers that the autonomous driving total could someday represent most of the value of Tesla.

Analysts surveyed by Visible Alpha expect 2.2 million deliveries from tesla next year. Most believe that the newly launched Cybertruck and a Model 3 renewed are not enough to boost demand.

“Tesla candidly admitted that the company is now in an intermediate period of low growth,” said Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Rosner.

The investors They expect the margins of tesla keep the pressure on as the company ramps up Cybertruck production and prepares to launch a automobile platform cheaper.

Musk indicated that the renewed Cybertrucks will represent a small percentage of the vehicles that tesla will be manufactured next year and that there are “enormous challenges” to achieving volume production of the truck, whose controversial design has divided fans.

Tom Narayan, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, said in a report that Cybertruck It would represent three percent of Tesla’s volumes in 2024, calling it more of a “halo” product that could attract consumers to the brand.

tesla probably delivered 1.82 million vehicles worldwide in 2023, 37 percent more than in 2022, with around 473 thousand units in the fourth quarter, according to 14 analysts surveyed by LSEG.

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The manufacturer of electric cars report quarterly deliveries and production on Tuesday.

In January, Musk said that tesla It has the potential to achieve two million deliveries this year, if there were no “force majeure”. But in October, he warned that older costs debt were putting pressure on demand.

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