Technological waste will increase – El Sol de México

Microsoft’s plan to end support for its Windows 10 operating system could have a significant impact on the environment.

Given the incompatibility of computers with Windows 11, the market analysis company Canalys indicates that up to 480 million kilograms of electronic waste could be generated by 2025. Although, the personal computer market can grow up to eight percent by Next year, according to experts, this will only increase the number of computers discarded year after year.

“Most of these millions of PCs, if in good condition, could at least be recycled, but their incompatibility with the latest version of Windows greatly reduces their value for restoration and resale,” he said.

Microsoft plans for Windows 10 to stop working in October 2025, causing more people to adopt the latest version of its operating system, which it should be noted is free and will bring more advanced technology such as artificial intelligence.

Version 11 of the Windows operating system is very demanding for computers before 2022. To be compatible, computers must have at least a 1 GHz processor, 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB of storage, and a TPM security chip 2.0.

This means that millions of computers that are still in good condition could become obsolete. While Microsoft is offering extended security updates for Windows 10 through 2028, these updates will be subject to a fee.

Pricing plans for the Windows 7 extended support scheme, for example, started at $25 per PC for the first year of support, but eventually quadrupled to $100 per device annually.

Canalys warns that this could cause many users to choose to buy new computers instead of paying for security updates.

This could lead to an increase in the amount of electronic waste.

The consulting firm points out that technology providers have the responsibility of extending product life cycles.

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“OEM manufacturers must incorporate durability, repairability and recyclability into the design of their devices, and operating system vendors must ensure that these devices are usable and secure for as long as possible,” he reveals. For the consultancy, Microsoft could help reduce the environmental impact of its decision to end support for Windows 10 by offering free security updates or reducing the cost of paid updates.

“The company could also work with OEMs to ensure computers are more compatible with Windows 11,” the company added. However, even if Microsoft takes steps to address these issues, the end of Windows 10 support is likely to have a negative impact on the entire environment.

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