The electoral cards of the cultural sector – El Sol de México

After the installation of the cultural sector campaign bunker, in June 2023, promoted by the Reflection Group on Economy and Culture (GRECU), I set out to prepare “The electoral cards of the cultural sector”. In this way, for 32 consecutive weeks, which ended in January, I developed different proposals divided into three areas: public, private and social.

Regarding the bunker, the result can be read in The document was presented by GRECU in separate meetings both to Consuelo Sáizar, on behalf of Xóchitl Gálvez, and to Susana Harp, representative of Claudia Sheibaum. Citizen Movement is pending.

By writing down one card per week, they added 12 dedicated to what concerns the State apparatus, 10 more regarding both companies and the cultural market and the remaining 10 combine the needs of non-governmental organizations and the large number of non-salaried workers. I thought of this endeavor as input for discussions in the campaigns, as well as to promote an agenda that looks comprehensively at the cultural sector and not only at the role of government institutions.

For this reason, on this occasion I want to refer to some of the cards from the private sphere. I am certain that these are the statements that become more urgent in the context of the government promises made by the Citizen Movement candidate for the presidency of the republic starting in March.

I cite, for example, the installation of a program that promotes the productivity of the cultural market. Unemployment and lack of job opportunities prevent creativity from generating more wealth. The effort must be directed at economic units with the potential to grow, while providing opportunities for innovative ventures. The allegation is long-standing: privileging an economic policy for the cultural sector.

In another order of ideas, a new government must stimulate the emergence of a National Chamber of the Cultural Sector, an association that is an interlocutor and mediator in favor of policies, programs and actions to promote both the cultural market and export capabilities.

On the other hand, it is time for the Legislative Branch to assume the participation of the private cultural sector at all levels in the reforms, changes and adjustments to improve the productivity of micro, small and medium-sized cultural businesses. It is understood that, in accordance with the conditions agreed upon, part of these initiatives will be harmonized with the fiscal policy as a whole. A new review of the Commercial Establishments Law of Mexico City is considered central, under the conviction that the modifications achieved will stimulate adjustments in similar laws in the states and municipalities of the republic.

In this perspective, the private cultural sector must have a permanent presence in the decision-making bodies of economic policy, environmental policy and fiscal policy. Also be an acting party in any of the negotiations of international trade treaties and conventions to ensure the interests of the cultural sector, with the right to voice and vote.

Another issue has to do with favoring the conditions for development banks and private banks to generate banking products aimed at the cultural SME universe, as well as for professionals who carry out cultural commerce. Leverage through credit must have that sectoral seal. You can even go further: financing for government actions that affect the market, such as investment in infrastructure. Cultural consumption is a niche that demands, in turn, other facilities that enhance its role in the economy.

Finally, we believe that it is feasible to stimulate public-private associations for the installation of representative spaces of Mexico abroad. This is a joint effort between the Secretariats of Foreign Affairs, Economy and the Mexican Bank for Foreign Trade, to promote investment in infrastructure that benefits cooperation among Mexican companies with operations in different countries, as well as with transnational consortia. bilateral and multilateral cultural and commercial. (Interested parties can read in detail in

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