The richest 1% of Mexico pollutes more than 80% of the country: Oxfam – El Sol de México

The richest one percent of Mexico polluted more than 80 percent of the country in 2019, and between 2000 and 2019, that group of people doubled their emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), while the remaining 99 percent reduced them by 30 percent, the organization indicated Oxfam in a report published this Tuesday.

“In other words, the one percent pollutes the most and is the only group that pollutes more today than 20 years ago,” he detailed in a statement about the report, which was published this day on the occasion of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 (COP28)What will be celebrated in Dubai.

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Alexandra Haas, executive director of Oxfam Mexicosaid that in the organization they believe that a tax on the richest is essential both to address and mitigate the crisis current as for reduce CO2 emissions.

He recalled that almost a month ago, on October 25, the Hurricane Otis impact Warriorwhere it has left 49 dead and 32 missing.

In addition, it broke the record for intensification of a cyclone in Mexicosince it impacted like category 5 and damaged 250 thousand homesaccording to official data.

Otis It affected everyone, but those who have the least lost the most. It is crucial to understand that the climate crisis and the inequality crisis are one. We need resources to address the emergency, rebuild, recover sources of income and prepare ourselves as a society for the following hurricanes, floods, droughts“Haas stated.

“Where will this come from?” money? How are we going to deal with the emergencies intensified by the climate crisis“?” he questioned.

And this trend is also replicated in the rest of the world, since in 2019, he detailed Oxfamhe richest one percent of the world’s population generated the same amount of carbon emissions than the 5 billion people who make up the poorest two-thirds of humanity.

These “excessive” emissions will cause 1.3 million deaths more than expected associated with heat and most of them will be between 2020 and 2030, the organization assured.

The richest are destroying the planet, looting it and polluting itwhile extreme heat, floods and droughts suffocate humanity,” said the Oxfam International acting executive director Amitabh Behar.

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Oxfam urged the governments of the world to reduce inequality by means of the global income redistributionto abandon the fossil fuels urgently, and to put the well-being of the population and the planet to the relentless pursuit of profits, extraction and consumption.

The report, titled “Climate equality: a planet for the 99 percent“, is based on the research that Oxfam has carried out together with Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)and analyzes the emissions linked to the consumption habits of different income groups in 2019, the last year for which data is available.

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