They expand the Cindyverse: Cindy La Regia’s series shows her school years – El Sol de México

The screenwriters Anna Grajales, Paola Mazlum and José Miguel Núñez They seek to elevate character created by Ricardo Cucamonga in 2004, Cindy the royalby starting a multiverse based on their adventures.

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“The intention is for it to be like batman”said Anna. “Just as there is one of Christopher Nolan and one of Reeves with Robert Pattinsonthere are different versions of a character that we all know and love.”

In this second adaptation fans will see a Cindyplayed by Michelle Pellicer, in her high school years, after she and her friends enroll in a co-ed school.

This will not be a prequel to the film released in 2020 (starring Cassandra Sánchez-Navarro and which raised more than 100 million pesos), where his adult stage is explored, but a new portrait of his youth, where she and her colleagues deal with current issues.

To capture it as faithfully as possible, the writers conducted a field investigation in a school San Pedro Garza Garcíamunicipality where he lives characterto see up close how young people relate to problems such as Me too, sexting or sexual awakening

“It would be great if the audience of that age had something to identify with,” Paola added. “From going to breakfast with these San Petrina girls who will tell us their plans after graduating, what they like, who they admire, roast beef and seeing what games they play with the shots,” she added.

They spent several days in the Monterrey municipality to see the schools, as well as restaurants, clubs and entertainment venues. They also met with some teenagers, and even went to a soccer match to understand the rivalry of the royal classic (Tigres against Monterrey).

“We infiltrated schools, it was funny because obviously we didn’t look like students, but we couldn’t tell them what we were doing,” he commented. Jose Miguel between laughs.

“They were told it was for a project of a seriesWithout specifying which one, we were one day at an important high school in San Pedro, observing the classes and listening to how they talk,” he added.

Paola stressed that beyond making a joke about Saint Peter or make a somewhat superficial representation, they wanted to achieve a cart of love to the city, since that was the place that gave the world this beloved character, who has been focused on following the upper class of Nuevo León.

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The first time one of his strips appeared was in 2004 in a magazine called ponx. Subsequently, it was transferred to literature, and four have been published.or books: How to marry good guy, How to be a good girl, How to get over your ex and The day the princess lost his mindwhich according to Forbes data, has sold more than 60 thousand copies to date.

Queen Cindy: the series It also features performances by Luciana Vale, Anxel García, Carola Cuarón, Vincent Webb and Gustavo Cruz. It is available on the Netflix platform.

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