Tourist Tianguis 2025 Baja California – El Sol de México

Acapulco. The head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur), Miguel Torruco, presented what will be the first Binational Tourist Marketwhich will be carried out in Baja California from April 28 to May 1, 2025.

At the ceremony to change the management of the Tianguis Turístico, the official highlighted that it will be the first edition of this event to be held in the border area.

Being the first event, Miguel Torruco assured that a record in tour operator attendance the main source of international tourists to Mexico.

Baja Californiadue to its geographical location, is receiving a large number of international tourists especially from the United States, which represented 90 percent of the total that arrived in 2023, followed by China and Canada,” Torruco said.

Marina del Pilar, governor of Baja Californiahighlighted the benefits of the entity such as its natural landscapesfrom the desert to the Sea of ​​Cortez, as well as the gastronomy and the medical tourism.

“The Tourist Tianguis will be decisive in impacting markets whose flow of visitors to the entity is growing, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea,” he highlighted.

The local leader recognized the work of Acapulcocity that passes the baton of the largest event in the tourism industry, for his “fortitude” to get up after the impact of Hurricane Otis last October.

In this regard, Evelyn Salgado, governor of Guerrero, highlighted that the 48th edition of the Tianguis Turístico that concludes this Friday was “very special” after taking place after the Otis disaster.

“This showed that our port is reborn with great strength and that from the ashes, it is reborn like the Phoenix,” he declared.

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