Transporters free the Chihuahua-Juárez highway after 22 hours of protest – El Sol de México

Transporters released after 22 hours of protest the highway from Chihuahua to Juárez, a blockade that, although it caused havoc for citizens and the economy, was supported by the business and productive sectors, which joined the union’s demand for greater security on the country’s highways.

The Business Coordinating Council of Chihuahua (CCE) demanded from the federal government fulfill your responsibility to immediately respond to the violent events that occurred on Friday on the Chihuahua-Juárez highway, where a driver from the I. Soto D. transportation company was shot.

The position was seconded by the president of the National Chamber of the Processing Industry in Chihuahua (Canacintra), Armando Gutiérrez Cuevas, who made a strong call to the federal authorities and particularly the National Guard to take immediate measures to secure the federal highways in our state and thus prevent new attacks from occurring.

For his part, Álvaro Bustillos Fuentes, president of the Regional Livestock Union of Chihuahua (UGRCh), expressed worry Because the blockade generated a direct negative impact on the economy and citizens, however, it also asked federal and local authorities to take measures to guarantee the safety of carriers and the fluidity of traffic on communication routes.

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The company I. Soto D., for which Víctor Gutiérrez – the truck driver who was shot – works, through a statement made an urgent call for “peace and security” of the transporters’ union, demanding that the competent authorities apply effective measures to safeguard the integrity of all citizens.

“Today more than ever we are facing the uncertainty that is occurring in our daily lives, but we are determined to seek the means and mechanisms of solidarity and cooperation to overcome these challenges together”was part of the company’s message.

The transport union decided free the road section at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, after having held a meeting with state and Federation authorities, where they were informed that there were two people detained for the attack of the freight transport driver.

Members of the National Confederation of Mexican Transporters (Conatram) took kilometer 31 of the aforementioned highway since last Friday the 9th at 6:00 p.m.

The mobilization was triggered by the attack against Víctor Gutiérrez, who was shot near the town of Moctezuma, in the municipality of Ahumada. The man was badly injured at the scene and was helped by other drivers; everything was recorded on video.

On Saturday it was announced that Gutiérrez remained in serious health at the Hospital 66 of the IMSS in Ciudad Juárezwhere he was hospitalized since Friday with serious injuries caused by multiple firearms.

Édgar Olivas, leader of Conatram, had warned that the blockade would remain indefinitelyuntil justice was done for the colleague who had been shot while taking charge of his job as driver of these units.

He joined the protest Julián LeBaronan activist who has joined different protests in favor of justice and against insecurity, who supported the union to block the road and ask that those responsible for having committed these acts be found.

The demonstration generated disagreements among the drivers who were trying to travel to Ciudad Juárez, since the transporters only allowed short periods of vehicle crossing and closed the section again, however the lines became traffic jams of several hours of waiting to be able to cross. that area of ​​the state.

At 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, state authorities, such as federal authorities and representatives of the transport union, held a meeting at the Government Palace, to reach an agreement between all the participants, where different agreements were reached and the release was formalized. of the road section.

The leader of the Mormon community and social activist, Julián LeBarón, was the first to confirm that two people were allegedly responsible for the death of Víctor Gutiérrez, a trailer driver who received several gunshot wounds while traveling on the Pan-American Highway.

“I believe that the response has been very good, I believe that this is not directed at the government, but rather directed at the citizens, because with silence we have all been complicit in the undermining of our rights without protesting and without reacting, to the point in which everyone is in danger”shared the activist.

It is expected that in the coming days a new meeting can be held to discuss the agreements with the union, but among the security authorities, they agreed to provide greater security on the highway sections in the entity.

At the meeting, the state attorney general, César Jáuregui Morenoreported that the first investigations reveal that the attack is probably not linked to the robbery, since all the victim’s belongings were found, as well as the load of the tractor-trailer he was driving.

He added that investigations will be carried out quickly until any line is exhausted, in addition to permanent surveillance operations being maintained to guarantee safety on the entity’s roads.

As part of the established agreements, the State Attorney General’s Office committed to carrying out an exhaustive and transparent investigation into this violent event, of which it will keep the union duly informed.

The National Guard, in coordination with the State Secretariat of Public Security, will reinforce security at the points considered critical on this street and the analysis of the viability of the safe stops to be installed in the booths will be expedited, to take advantage of the infrastructure and security that exists in them.

Through work tables, the points agreed between carriers and authorities will be monitored to expedite compliance.

The agreements were signed between the Secretary General of the Government, Santiago de la Peña Grajedaand the director of the Chihuahua Center of the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), Cristina Imelda Guerra Villalobos.

In addition to Carlos Alberto Tejeda González, second sub-inspector of the National Guard, in charge of the state’s communication routes; Uber Corral, inspector of the SICT, and Isidoro Martínez, representing the Ministry of the Interior.

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Mr. participated in the transport union Omar Sotoowner of the company Transportes Soto e Hijos, and Édgar Olivas, state delegate of the National Confederation of Mexican Transporters (Conatram).

With information from: Federico Martínez / El Heraldo de Chihuahua

Note published in The Herald of Chihuahua

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