Traveling family will ride from San Luis Potosí to Yucatán in 40 days (Video) – El Sol de México

Nancy Ayala and Jorge “Noala” Guerrain addition to his two-year-old son Lionthey are a family that began a long crossing to MéridaYucatán, where the National Bicycle Forum from June 20 to 24.

This family will go through urban cities where traffic is a torment, also the small towns and communities in which bikes are the best ally, this to give a message of respect for cyclists and what is one of the best alternatives for mobility today.

The three riders They woke up very early to prepare everything they needed, gloves, helmet, provisions and the “Noala” ukulele for the camping afternoons, they both carry between 40 and 60 kilos, but it is worth it. Nancy’s parents gave them a big hug and said goodbye to the three of them, especially little León who was already impatient to get into his chair and start the lesson. journey.

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“We will make a shooting of approximately two monthsin 2 thousand kilometers we go on our bikesWith our tent we will do some campsites. We also carry our food and our luggage such as clothes and various things so we can survive If we don’t find anything on the way,” Nancy Ayala said very cheerfully before leaving for Yucatán.

He love for bicycle joined Jorge and Nancy, together they have traveled Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentinaand although it is not the first time they have gone on a trip of this type with their son, this will be special for them because it is the longest trip with little León.

“This will be the Leo’s fourth voyagen, but it will be his longest trip of 2 thousand kilometers, I can say that he has a thousand kilometers on his body from riding a bicycle with his parents, but now comes the great trip that for us is equivalent to this continental trip for my son Taking it from here to Mérida is a great trip,” said “Noala.”

The bikes in which they will make this journey are the “Odyssey” by Nancy and the “bamba” by Jorge, these were made by “Nola” himself with bamboo and with carbon fiber joints. In them they will travel 40 days of San Luis Potosí to Huejutla de Reyesfrom there they will go out to Veracruzthey will continue to Beautiful villa and they will end in Mérida Yucatán.

In every place they reach they will summon the people to give that message that bicycle is a powerful ally for mobility.

We love the bicycle, what it makes us feel, but above all for mobility in towns and cities we want relief from road traffic.Nola

Also “we want there to be no more “white bicycles”, that there are no accidents, that there are no accidents, that there are no fatalities on the bicycle, that’s why we do it,” shared “Nola.”

It will be a path where you will enjoy landscapesmeet new people, meet friends again cycliststhere will be nights where they will only be accompanied by the bonfire, the stars and the music of “Noala”you can enjoy all this thanks to your bikes.

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The Mexico Cicloviajeros Support Network, Link Biker Mexico and the National Bicycle Forumare the groups that will be aware of the needs and safety of the traveling familyas well as those cyclists who ride with them until they finish at the National Bicycle Forum in Yucatan.

Note published in The Sun of San Luis

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