Treasury defends spending on AMLO projects – El Sol de México

The Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramírez de la Oassured that the social projects and of infrastructure facts during current six-year term will serve to consolidate the Mexican economy over the next few years.

In a forum organized by the Atlantic Council, within the framework of the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (B.M.), Ramírez de la O added that even the greatest projected spending for 2025 will serve as a catalyst to achieve these goals.

Every economy and every project It takes time to mature step on the accelerator, and also a moment to take the pulse. We are pressing the accelerator in 2024 for those reasons, but they are not related to anything other than capital spending and concluding other programs,” she pointed out.

According to the official, the economic situation in Mexico Planned for 2025 differs from that estimated for 2024therefore they can make budget adjustments of short term.

For next year, the agency projected a cut in programmable spending, whose resources serve to provide public goods and servicesapproximately 600 billion pesos.

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In turn, the country’s fiscal deficit was estimated at 5.9 percentage points of the Gross domestic product (GDP) for the 2024given the eventual conclusion of the main Infrastructure works of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Most of these works will be profitable in the coming yearsaccording to Ramírez de la O, who took as an example the new Tulúm International Airport, in Quintana Roo.

Likewise, he recalled that during the current six-year term, new social policies in support of vulnerable groupswhile they gave scholarships for students either older adults.

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“There will certainly be operating expenses, although the cost of the airport was already in 2024; It will need maintenance and so on, but it will generate income. In terms of budget balances, in 2025, the panorama is different from that which already existed in 2024,” indicated the head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

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