Tremor with epicenter in Mexicali activates alert – El Sol de México

At least 12 earthquakes have been reported between 3.5 and 4.8 degrees on a magnitude scale with data from the United States seismological system.

The first was a 4.8 magnitude tremor recorded in El Centro, California, with an epicenter three kilometers to the northwest.

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Most have been in El Centro and Imperial Valley County.

The first was recorded at 12:36 p.m. on Monday, which was felt in Mexicali.

Municipal Civil Protection calls for calm.

Municipal government of Mexicali activates security protocol

By series of earthquakes that occurred during the early hours of this Monday, The Mexicali government activated a security protocol.

From 12:36 in the morning until 12:53 at least twenty earthquakes of different magnitudes were recorded.

The one that was perceived most strongly was the first, which according to the National Seismological Service on its website recorded that it had a magnitude of 5.3.

Through the Municipal Civil Protection of Mexicali, a call was made to prevail alerts and remain calm.

As a result of the movements, around twenty hospitals in the city were evacuated, which reported no incidents.

Published in The Voice of the Border

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