UAEM students protest alleged police abuse in Cuernavaca – El Sol de México

Students of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM) On November 16, they took Universidad Avenue, in both directions, at the height of gate one of the Chamilpa campus; this in protest against an alleged police abuse committed by elements of the Secretariat of Citizen Protection and Assistance of Cuernavaca (Seprac).

Although on social media the students announced that they would close the northern entrance to the capital, this Thursday morning they preferred to concentrate, initially, on the main entrance to the university campus.

In a matter of an hour, hundreds of young people have gathered, shouting slogans and They demanded respect for university autonomy.

The protest generated a traffic problem throughout the area Therefore, elements of the Police arrived at the scene to try to speed up traffic, however, this action exacerbated the spirit of those present who demanded, with shouts and insults, that they leave.

The situation is tense due to the spirit of the students, and the traffic problem that already affects the town of Chamilpa.

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Why do students demonstrate?

The evening of last Wednesday, November 15, Cuernavaca police officers made a couple of arrests on campus, causing fear and uncertainty among the community.

Although Seprac and the UAEM issued statements clarifying that the action was coordinated, and with the objective of maintaining safe spaces for university students, the students considered that an abuse of authority was incurred.

The incident was added to a previous complaint made by Isaac Tiscareño, a student at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, at the Chamilpa campus in Cuernavaca, who claimed having been the victim of attacks by municipal elements last weekendfor which reason he filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office against two of them, which is recorded in investigation folder number FECC/638/2023-11.

Information in progress

Originally published in The Sun of Cuernavaca

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