US advance prepares details in the SRE for high-level meeting with AMLO on migration – El Sol de México

An Aadvance of US officials met this Tuesday with personnel from the Secretary of Foreign Relations (SRE) to prepare the high level meeting what the president will hold Andrés Manuel López Obrador With several secretaries of state from the country.

“The visit of the high-level delegation, at the invitation of President López Obrador, represents an opportunity to reaffirm bilateral cooperation on human mobilityparticularly for the regular management of migratory flowsas well as for the expansion of legal avenues for migration,” the Foreign Ministry detailed in a publication on its account on X (formerly Twitter).

The US delegation will be made up of the Secretaries of State, Antony Blinken; of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkasand the White House National Security Advisor, Liz Sherwood-Randall.

“President Biden’s positive response for the US delegation to attend Mexico’s invitation is an example of the continuous and respectful dialogue that both countries maintain“said the SRE.

The meeting will take place this December 27and it comes after President López Obrador and his American counterpart had a telephone conversation last Thursday to discuss the immigration issue.

“I have a call precisely with President Biden at 9:00, I think we are going to talk about migration. He asked to talk to me and I will be very happy to greet you and have us talk,” López Obrador said then.

A day later, the president detailed that Biden told him that he should reinforce the containment of the migratory flow on the southern border of Mexico to prevent migrants from continuing to arrive in the United States.

The high-level meeting is framed among the recent measures that US authorities have taken to stop irregular crossings of migrants from Mexico.

Among the most important are the border crossing closuresboth vehicular and for trainswhich have impacted the border economic activityby paralyzing the crossing of merchandise.

Added to this are anti-immigrant laws passed in states governed by Republicansas Texasarguing that irregular migration puts their territory at risk.

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