Video circulates of teenagers hitting students at Technical High School 47 – El Sol de México

On Wednesday morning, a video of young people hitting students from Technical High School 47, located in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, circulated on social networks.

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In the images you can see two young people attacking the student while other students record. Given this, the Social Prevention Directorate of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat responded to the situation.

Everything happened outside said educational facility, which is located in the Infonavit Casas Grandes neighborhood.

The Secretary of Municipal Public Security, César Omar Muñoz Morales, immediately ordered that surveillance tours in the surrounding area be reinforced.

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These patrols also took place throughout the colony, to prevent the commission of a crime and guarantee the safety of citizens.

The SSPM indicated that tomorrow they will begin direct intervention activities with young students.

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“These actions seek to support those who are in a dangerous situation, generating bonds of trust and will be on the lookout outside the facilities to prevent risk situations,” the corporation reported.

Note published in: The Herald of Juárez

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