Water in Benito Juárez has normal components: UNAM Veterinary Faculty – El Sol de México

The UNAM Faculty of Veterinary and Zootechnics reported that, after performing some analyzes on three water samples supposedly collected from the Benito Juárez mayor’s office, they detected that the pH values ​​are normal.

The institution explained, through a statement, that an individual requested to carry out physical-chemical analyzes on three water samples that were collected from that district, which to date has shown contamination in the drinking water supply in nine of them. its colonies such as Del Valle, Napoles, Noche Buena, Narvarte, Nonoalco.

The study also detected that the water has normal levels of total solids components, nitrates, nitrites, chlorides, sulfates and hardness.

In addition, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine specified that the tests carried out do not include hydrocarbons.

“In this regard, the Faculty informs that the results of the physical-chemical analyzes carried out on the samples presented show normal values ​​in relation to pH, Total Solids, Nitrates, Nitrites, Chlorides, Sulfates and Hardness. It is important to highlight that the tests requested by the individual do not include hydrocarbon analysis,” the institution indicated.

Since the beginning of April, residents of different neighborhoods in Benito Juárez began to report a bad smell and greasy consistency in the drinking water that has reached their homes.

Although contamination by oils or hydrocarbons was detected on the night of April 9 in the Alfonso in the water network.

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