What the governor of Tabasco said about security on Christmas Eve – El Sol de México

He governor of TabascoManuel Merino, maintained that the information disseminated on social networks about the detonations in the Center are falsealso called on the media not to provide screens to the reported incidents and guaranteed security for the celebrations of “Christmas Eve”.

Through a video, made in coordination with the National Chamber of Radio and Television (Corat), the governor issued a message to the Tabasco population, meeting with the members of the security table.

“I address you, Tabasco citizens and to the representatives of the Executive of the Public Security System, State Civil Protection Institute, National Intelligence Center, State Attorney General’s Office, Delegation of Programs for the Development of Tabasco, 30 Military Zone, Mexican Navy and National Guard,” he said, pointing out to his companions.

“Given the recent incidents that have sown fear and uncertainty among the population, generated by acts of violence and the spread of disinformationI want to inform you that we are working in a coordinated manner between federal, state and municipal authorities for guarantee the safety and protection of citizens“, said.

When referring to the violent day of December 22noted: “since the first event that occurred on the night of Friday, December 22, we have responded immediately and effectively institutionally to counteract actions that threaten public order. This coordinated response has allowed restore normality and social peace in the regionbeing our priority ensure the tranquility of Tabasco families and the preservation of their heritage”.

Regarding the events that occurred in the Center on the night of December 23, he commented that “unscrupulous individuals spread edited videos and audios, generating anxiety among the population.”

Read more “The center was emptied,” said person due to alleged shooting

Therefore, he clarified that “At no time was the integrity of people put at risk. in the vicinity of the José María Pino Suárez market and the center of Villahermosa. There were no firearm detonations. “Currently, we are using all available means to carry out the corresponding investigations and identify those responsible for disturbing public order.”

Violent acts could have developed due to fake news

“It is essential not to be fooled by misinformation, fake news and electoral motivations that only generate rumors, panic and social psychosis. I urge you to avoid disseminating information that lacks support and veracity, and to obtain information through official and verified sources.”

Finally, he said that the security and well-being of the population is a commitment of the Board and will not give truce to crime, and concluded: “I guarantee you that security and tranquility for this Christmas Eve are fully assured. Merry Christmas to all! Thank you so much”

And that is how the video that is now being spread on social networks in the state ends.

Note originally published in The Herald of Tabasco

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