What you should eat during pregnancy – El Sol de México

Pregnancy is a period of transformation and growth for both the mother and the unborn baby. During this stage, nutrition takes on a fundamental role, since the nutrients consumed by the parent not only satisfy her own needs, but also contribute to the proper growth of the girl or boy growing in her womb.

For this reason, it is important to highlight the importance of a balanced diet to guarantee a pregnancy in excellent conditions, as well as optimal development of the unborn baby. Essential nutrients such as folic acid, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamins A,C,D and ANDamong others, participate in the formation of tissues, evolution of the nervous system, strengthening of bones and teeth, and in the immune function of the growing human being.

Poor nutrition during pregnancy can have serious consequences, such as low birth weight, premature birth, neural tube defects, and complications in fetal development. Therefore, it is essential that pregnant women maintain a balanced and nutritious diet to ensure an adequate gestation period.

Poor nutrition during pregnancy can have serious consequences, such as low birth weight, premature birth, neural tube defects, and complications in fetal progress. Therefore, pregnant women must maintain a balanced and nutritious diet to ensure a healthy gestation period. Find out more about this special at Aderezo.mx.

For more information, consult the official sites of the Ministry of Health, IMSS and the National Institute of Perinatology.

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