Who are Iran’s Middle East allies challenging Israel? – The Sun of Mexico

Leadered by Iran from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean coastthe informal alliance Axis of the Resistance is facing Israel since the outbreak of war in Gaza Stripa conflict that threatens to spread after Iran’s massive launch of missiles and drones at the Jewish State.

In his first attack on Israeli territoryIran launched last night more than 300 missiles and drones in retaliation for the bombing against his consulate in Damascus from April 1st in which Six Syrians and seven members of the Revolutionary Guard diedand of which Tehran accused Tel Aviv.

According to the Pentagon, the Islamic Republic’s announced response was “launched from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen,” where Tehran leads a network of rebel groups and powerful militias that wage their war against Israel and the United States in different ways in support for the Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

These are Iran’s main allies, possible targets of an Israeli response.

Hezbollah, the flagship

Considered as the Iran’s most powerful ally in the Middle Eastthe group Lebanese Shia Hezbollah engages in a measured but intense exchange of fire with Israel mainly on the common divide since October 8, a day after the outbreak of the war in Gaza.

Coinciding with the Iranian attack on Israeli territorythe armed group announced the launch of “dozens” of rockets towards an important military base in northern Israel and, later, claimed responsibility for another broadside against three military posts in the northern Golan Heights.

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The Israeli aviationIn response, it bombed a building in the Bekaa Valley, a region in eastern Lebanon far from the common border where clashes usually occur and which has been attacked by the Jewish State several times in recent weeks.

In it Lebanon and Israelsix months of shocks now leave more than 150 thousand displaced on both sides of the border, as well as nearly twenty deaths on the Israeli side and more than 330 on the Lebanese side.

The Houthis, in the spotlight

The Yemen’s Houthi rebels have shown off their capabilities by launching missiles and drones against Israel, in addition to attacks on merchant ships in it Red Sea and the Arabian sea from the end of November to damage the economy of Israel and its Western allies.

The severe disruptions caused by these attacks and the Houthi threat for Israel caused the United States and the United Kingdom to begin a bombing campaign against insurgent positions in Yemenalthough the training ensures that it will not deter them.

The Houthis They have not claimed responsibility for launching projectiles simultaneously with Iran’s attack against Israel, although Washington and several organizations denounce that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has units deployed in several areas of Yemen controlled by the insurgents.

Iraq’s militias unleashed

Despite having more limited capabilities than Hezbollah and the Houthisthe so-called Islamic Resistance in Iraq has been credited with the release of around 200 attacks against bases with US presence in Iraqi and Syrian territory, although it has also occasionally targeted southern Israel.

The group, made up of an amalgam of militias loyal to Iran operating in Iraq and the border area in eastern Syria, has kept a low profile after one of its drones killed three US soldiers on the Jordan-Syria border in January.

That provoked an angry response from Washington, which heavily bombed positions of these armed groups in both Iraq and Syria, leaving dozens of dead and making all the alarms about the opening of a new war front that would involve a direct confrontation with Iran.

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He Iraqi governmentwhich maintains a delicate balance between Tehran and Washington, has warned its two allies that its territory is not a battlefield, after Iran also launched missiles against northern Iraq in January, alleging that they were targeting an Israeli Mossad headquarters. .

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