Who is Sergio Andrade? The story of Gloria Trevi’s controversial producer – El Sol de México

Sergio Andrade was known in music industry for being an important manager and producer; However, all that changed when they began to come to light complaints about physical, sexual violence, psychological abuseby young people to whom he promised a bright future.

The victims could not say anything, but it was not until the parents of some young women reported that the investigations against them began. Sergio Andrade.

Who was he and for what crimes was he imprisoned? Here we tell you about the Trevi-Andrade case and why it was so controversial.

Who was Sergio Andrade?

Sergio Andrade was a music producer who was born on November 25, 1955 in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. He studied concert piano at the National Conservatory of Music and was married five times and has eight children.

He was a music producer for child stars such as bright Star and with whom he released an album that sold more than a million copies.

His first wife was Guadalupe Casilla whom she married in 1981; There were no children from that relationship and she currently sings under the name Linda Casillas.

María Raquenel Portillo, alias “Mary Boquitas” She was Andrade’s second wife, with whom he married in 1985; However, she was only 15 years old when they married. In statements she accepted that Andrade was a “very violent” man and that due to the mistreatment he suffered at the hands of the producer he lost a son.

Sonia Rios was another wife of Andrade whom he married in 1997. As a result of that relationship they were born Sophia and Antonia Andrade. Finally, Nora Miranda She was another of the wives and they had a son named Gustavo.

It was between the 80s and 90s that Andrade was recognized as a great figure in the industry, but it was not until the contest “Chispita’s double” when he met Gloria Trevi.

However, the situation exploded with Aline Hernandez who he met when I was 13 years old, Two years later they married and in 1990 they got married. Aline he recounted in his book “Glory for Hell” how tortuous that relationship was and all the abuse she suffered from Andrade.

Trevi-Andrade case

Sergio Andrade met Gloria Trevi in the contest “Chispita’s double” and he saw the potential that the singer had. In 1989 she reached her musical peak with “What do I do here” and by 1991 she would become more famous with “Your guardian angel”, “Loose hair” and “Hang on.”

As mentioned, the accusations against Andrade They began with the publication of the book Aline Hernandez where it was revealed how the former producer sexually abused of minors promising them success in the music industry.

Gloria Trevi and Sergio Andrade They were on the run for a year until they were captured in Brazil in 2000, the former music producer He was sentenced to 7 years and 10 months in prison for kidnapping, aggravated rape or corruption of minors. While Gloria Trevi and María Raquenel Portillo were sentenced to four years and 8 months in prison.

With the bioseries “They am I am” and various testimonies, Gloria Trevi has assured that she was also part of the deceptions and abuses of Sergio Andrade.

In 2015, Andrade gave an interview for the media Vice where he said that he assured that they were not minors, the former producer left the Cereso de Chihuahua in 2007 where he served his sentence of 7 years and 10 months in prison.

“It is hard to repeatedly hear that story that they were “girls.” I give you an example: when we shared an apartment, shortly before the arrest, one of them was about to turn thirty-two years old; another was twenty-nine; another twenty-six , twenty-four and twenty-two… for God’s sake! They weren’t “girls,” he said for Vice.

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Likewise, he said that there were many inconsistencies in the story of the Trevi-Andrade case.

“What people don’t usually ask themselves is why there are so many contradictions and inconsistencies in the stories they tell? Why there are so many gaps and things that don’t make sense in the books, programs and films on the subject,” added Sergio Andrade.

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