Workers propose 25% increase in salary – El Sol de México

The labor sector proposes raise the minimum wage by 25 percent for the last year of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government (AMLO), which would mean going from 207.44 pesos to 259.3 pesos per day, according to the project presented to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the National Minimum Wages Commission (Conasami).

In accordance with José Luis Carazo Preciadorepresentative of the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM), this increase is proposed both to the general minimum wageslike the professionals and in the Northern Border Zonewhich will allow the purchasing power of millions of workers to recover in the face of the high inflation that is lived in the country.

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Carazo Preciado detailed The Sun of Mexico that in the case of minimum professional income It was proposed to increase it in 61 categories, since it is a sector that was affected by the incorporation of the Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA) in 2016.

“What we request is that they have the same percentage distance between the minima professionals that they had in 2016. That is, the distance that there was in 2016, if it was 40 percent with the general minimum wage, That 40 percent would have to be increased. Although it has grown a little, not in the same proportion as the general minimum wage,” he said. Precious Darling, who was appointed as representative of 24 union organizations before Conasami.

Between The professions that would benefit from the 25 percent increase are official of construction worker, ATM, carpenter, driver, electrician, gas station, hairdresser, plumber, radio technician, repairman of electrical appliances; pastry chef and worker either worker of home.

The representative of the workers assured that the 25 percent increase in salary should not represent job cuts by companies, such as nor a problem for inflation.

“Let us not forget that since the salary was detached from all legal regulations, it has not had an impact on the country’s inflation. We have studies of Bank of Mexico which they point out (…) In the past it was true, before the salary was detached because it was linked to so many legal systems, it impacted everything in government spending, in the Expenditure Budget, particularly.

IP proposes 12.8% INCREASE

For your partthe business sector will propose a 12.8 percent increase in the minimum wage for next yearwhich would represent 233.9 pesos per day, compared to the current level.

The president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), José Medina Mora, stated that this proposal would be enough so that in 2026, the minimum wage reaches the line of the family well-being.

“The objective is to reach 2026 with a minimum wage that reaches the line of family well-being, that is, that a family of four where two people earn two minimum wagesenough for the food and non-food basket”, he explained to this medium. He added that they are also considering raising professional salaries and contractual salaries, seeking an increase of four and six percent, respectively.

Looking ahead to the next meetings to negotiate the salary increase and in the presence of Claudia Sheinbaum, coordinator National of the Defense Committees of the 4T, the president of the CATEMPedro Haces, made a peculiar call to businessmen.

“Paco, don’t act cool (in reference to Francisco Cervantes, president of the CCE), so thatLet’s get a good salary increase to the minimum for all Mexican workers,” he expressed.

He minimum wage increase implied that between December 2018 and September 2023 They have added 5.3 million employees who earn between one and up to two minimum wages, that is, there are 20.1 million workers with this salary level, according to data from the National Occupation and Employment Survey (ENOE).

Miguel Gonzalez, coordinator of the Center for Financial Studies and Public Finance (CEFI) of the UNAMcommented that the increase in jobs in this salary range was supported for the formality in the jobs and one greater demand for work in it construction sector.

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I consider that the increase in the minimum wage will have a marginal effect“we would have to wait for them to rise towards a higher salary level to have a rebound in jobs with these incomes.”

Alain Jaimes, senior analyst at Signum Researchsaid Contrary to all forecasts, the Mexican economy has shown resilience and dynamism, which has helped to have a low unemployment rate. “This implies that companies need a greater number of workers to meet current demand.”

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