Xóchitl promises to recover the territory that is in the hands of crime – El Sol de México

Monterrey.- Xóchitl Gálvez, candidate of the Force and Heart for Mexico coalition, of PAN, PRI and PRD, established the commitment to combat insecurity before New Leon businessmenrecover the national territory that is in the hands of criminal groups and solve the problem of contamination from the Cadereyta refinery.

When holding a dialogue with industrialists affiliated with the Chamber of the Processing Industry of Nuevo León, he told them that in addition to the fight against insecurity, health and public education, They will have an important boost because they are a factor for economic development and growth.

The issue of security was a proposal made by the businessmen to which Gálvez responded that he would demilitarize the country, to have a civilian command, although he accepted that the military will be of great support.

Demilitarize the country and have a civilian command, although the military will support the recovery of 35 percent of the national territory currently in the hands of organized crime. added the candidate.

In addition to strengthening and equipping police forces, intelligence and technology will be used to dismantle the gangs that are taking over to the detriment of citizens and businessmen.

Regarding the contamination of the Refinery, he stated that it has to be resolved because until it is resolved, citizens will continue to breathe dirty air.

Gálvez accused that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wanted to blame the businessmenbut it is not like that: “The one that burns fuel is Cadereyta, not the companies, the reason is that the four catalysts are obsolete.”

Nuevo León is nowhere near experiencing what Mexico City, where the birds died due to the Azcapotzalco refinery, recalled.

Máximo Vedoya, president of Caintra, stated that 80 percent of companies are small and medium-sized companies.

Regarding the opportunity that Mexico has in the face of the nearshoring phenomenon, Caintra spoke out in favor of clean energy at competitive costs, as well as promoting technical education to continue generating qualified labor and social mobility.

“It is stupid that Mexico is not taking advantage of nearshoring with the arrival of foreign companies, seeking to lift the population out of poverty,” responded the candidate, who spoke in favor of clean energy and competitive prices that allow economic growth. national.

She told the businessmen that she believes in federalism and announced that with her as president, “Samuel García is going to do well, but we have to see that he spends his money well.”

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Revocation of mandate

Later Gálvez was with students and teachers of lThe University of Monterrey in a dialogue in which they asked it to establish its position on revocation of mandateto which the candidate said she was in favor, because she believes that a bad ruler must leave.

He said he was in favor of freedom of association without the government getting involved, and promised support for students, innovation, science and technology.

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