Young man who hit a security guard in Puebla will not go to jail: FGE – El Sol de México

The State Attorney General’s Office has already carried out criminal action and prosecuted the case of the junior from Lomas de Angelópolis”, revealed the institution. However, Because he is a minor, he will not go to jail and will only have to cover the repair of damage.

The attorney general Gilberto Higuera Bernal, He stressed that for his part he has already resolved the case and It is up to the judicial power (a control judge) to continue with what is appropriate.

The owner of the The Prosecutor’s Office announced that because the accused is a minor, the law does not allow him to be imprisoned, only precautionary measures as payment for repairing the damage and to go to receive psychological care.

This is how Patricio P., after the physical and verbal aggression against Jonathan, the security guard of the Lomas de Angelópolis subdivision, last Monday night for not allowing him to pass when his App failed; although he was criminally sued by the victim, The Prosecutor’s Office decided to judicialize the case and that is why it is now in the hands of a Control Judge.

For its part, The Human Rights Prosecutor, Ulises Sandal Ramos, explained that the Prosecutor’s Office has already resolved the case and it is up to a Control Judge to determine what sanction to apply.. He announced that because he is a minor, Patricio will not go to prison or confinement, because for the crime of femicide – in the case of minors it is 6 years, for homicide 4 -, here for injuries it is only repairing the damage and they will surely send him to treatment psychological, he pointed out.

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It is worth remembering that The case of the junior hitter went viral because the video was initially spread on social networks when he hit the guard; Likewise, later videos of attacks by Patricio’s mother against another woman, and by her father against another private guard, were broadcast.

Note published in The Sun of Puebla

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