A renowned royal biographer strongly attacks Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

It is well known that the prince harry and Meghan Markle They are not very loved in the United Kingdom, and since the couple decided to abandon the British crown in 2019, they have been constantly attacked by the tabloid press of the Anglo-Saxon country, but now, a renowned royal biographer has said some words that for many would be considered controversial and unprofessional.

Is about Tom Bowerthe author of the book ‘Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war with the Windsors‘, who recently He attacked the Duke and Duchess of Sussexwhere not only the labels of “traitors”, but also stated that they should be “obliterated” so that the British royalty would not be compromised for the worse in the future.

I think the monarchy depends entirely on obliterating the Susex from our lifestyle, since their continuation is terrible for us“Bower told columnists at the Daily Mail, Sarah Vine and Andrew Pierce.

The biographer also gave his opinion on Prince Harry’s recent visit to his father, where he continued his attack by claiming to feel disappointed in the crown for having allowed the youngest son of the king Charles III He would enter London again and, to top it all off, be escorted directly to the monarch’s residence.

On the other hand, royal fans claim that Tom Bower is out of his mind and that he has exaggerated things completely, since many of them hope to see the younger brother of the prince williamreunited with royalty again.

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