Xóchitl Gálvez supports Francisco Cienfuegos before the FGR investigation – El Sol de México

Xóchitl Gálvez, opposition presidential candidate, expressed her support for Francisco Cienfuegos, her campaign coordinator in the state of Nuevo León, in the face of the investigation against him for alleged money laundering in the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO) of the FGR.

Gálvez said this Friday that this investigation is from 2022 and that Cienfuegos has already made itself available to the authorities to provide all the information that the authority requires.

During his self-styled “Truth Conference,” Galvez assured that his collaborator has not taken refuge because he does not fear anything and stressed that he is pleased with that, because he believes that these investigations against members of his team are what he is going to face during the electoral process to disqualify her.

“I’m glad because that’s what we have to do in the face of what’s coming in the coming days, every time an electoral official is appointed in a state, he or she is going to be attacked or investigated, because that’s how this Government acts.

“I am glad that Francisco Cienfuegos has that certainty and clarity and that the accusations against him are unfounded. He says that he has no protection, precisely because he has nothing to fear,” the Hidalgo native stressed in her morning conference.

The presidential candidate took the opportunity to call on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to begin investigating all the members of his circle, such as businessman Amilcar Olán Aparicio, a close friend of Andrés López Beltrán and who has allegedly obtained million-dollar contracts at the refinery. from Dos Bocas, Tabasco.

“I take this opportunity to tell the president: well, why don’t we start investigating Amilcar Olán. There we would need to know how his accounts are going: 30 billion pesos of contracts in (the) Dos Bocas refinery; to Romedic, the company that supplies medicines to Tabasco,” said the woman from Hidalgo.

She also asked that the president investigate Manuel Bartlett, head of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), for alleged mismanagement and recalled that she has filed 34 complaints about corruption in this administration and none of them have been followed up.

Likewise, he requested that other officials such as Ana Gabriela Guevara and Ignacio Ovalle Fernández be investigated for alleged fraud in their management within Conade and Segalmex, respectively.

In addition, the investigation of the “La Casa Gris” case should be followed up, in which José Ramón López Beltrán, the president’s eldest son, would be involved.

Xóchitl Gálvez concluded that she will never be seen defending corruption and recalled that when President López Obrador denounced that she had two companies, he maintained that said companies have been within the framework of legality and that they maintain legal contracts.

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