Cha Eunwoo fans demand better treatment from Fantagio for ASTRO member

Currently, fans of the KPop group ASTRO and the singer and actor Cha Eunwooare in an avalanche of emotions, as many of them are excited about the recent release of the Idol, however, at the same time, they are also very confused because the agency that represents him is not doing what they should, Well, at such an important moment for him, the company doesn’t seem to matter to him at all.

In just a few days, Cha Eunwoo will make his solo debut, releasing a mini album titled ‘Entity‘ on February 15, an event that will occur after almost a decade of career as an artist and member of the group ASTRO, so this will be a special step for the actor as well.

As special as this may be for Idol, Fantasy has had almost zero promotion about Cha Eunwoo and his next album, and this was realized by Internet users, who pointed out on social networks that the official accounts of the agency and the group ASTRO have not been updated with the information of ‘Entity‘, nor with anything related to the debut of the South Korean artist, and that this can only be seen in the accounts of the Idol himself.

As a result of this, Idol fans have made the phrase “CHA EUNWOO DESERVES BETTER“, “FANTAGIOrespectCHAEUNWOO“, on platform

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