New attack on transportation in Chilpancingo leaves one dead and one injured – El Sol de México

One dead and one injured by gunshots was the result of an attack on the Urvan base in Chilpancingo, in the midst of security reinforcement that deployed more than 500 elements between police, military and National Guard, also just a few hours after the director of the Interior assured that the messages calling for shelter were false.

The attack on the Urvan base occurred around 7 p.m. north of the capital of Guerrero while a unit It was parked loading passengers to go out to cover the route.

According to the first versions, the attackers, who were traveling on a motorcycle and a compact white vehicle, approached and one of them started shooting against the passengers of the van, hitting two people.

Since last Monday, February 5, Chilpancingo transportation was suspended after a violent day that left six transporters dead During the weekend, the lack of transportation led to an impact on the educational service, which is also completely suspended in public schools.

To restore the service, the authorities announced an operation in which 500 elements of the Police, Army and National Guard participate.

During the week that transport has been suspended, dozens of threatening messages went viral on social networks demanding that transporters not go out to work or they would be attacked, messages that the state government dismissed and even the director of the state Interior, Francisco Rodríguez Cisneros described those who spread those messages that cause fear among the population as an arm of crime, however tonight those messages became effective.

Originally published in The Sun of Acapulco

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