K-Pop Idol “accidentally” showed used condoms in a naked vlog with another boy

City Boy Log is a YouTube channel that is becoming famous on social networks for the charming personality of the 2 boys who star in each episode, it is the model Lee Jihan and Lee Jaejun or maru by his stage name, a K-pop idol who is a member of the group SO.

Many Internet users do not know the dynamics of the YouTube series City Boy Log, it is a fictional dynamic with a BL theme where two boys make vlogs of their experiences as a couple. Some scenes are scripted while others are completely improvised.

This new episode begins with the two waking up. together in the same bed without any clothes after having spent a night of “games” at Jihan’s house. The TAN member started talking to the camera when he just woke up but “accidentally” showed some used condoms placed in the corner of the bedhe immediately hid them but everything was captured in the sequence.

The moment has gone viral on social networks, with 140 thousand views on his YouTube channel and more than 1 million on X at the time of writing this. Of course, Internet users were completely impressed by the explicitness of the scene, taking into account that the BLs In South Korea they are very conservative. You can watch the episode below:

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