King Charles III could have been legally prosecuted by the Welsh government

He king Charles III of the United Kingdom, as Head of State of the nation and its colonies, enjoys impunity. However, there was a law in Welsh government than having made the monarch will legally prosecute for a hilarious reason, linked to his passion for agriculture and the land he owns in the neighboring country.

Recent reports They claim that Buckingham Palace feared that King Charles III could have been prosecuted for a court of wales, since this possibility was put into discussion following a law that harmed the monarch and the lands it has in that region.

Given that, the monarchy King Charles asked the Welsh government to ensure that New laws They will not leave you vulnerable to legal prosecution.

Bills affecting the royalty are noted before the palace in advance, giving them the opportunity to object to anything they believe may negatively affect them, according to a rule known as “royal consent“.

The Welsh Government informed Buckingham Palace about plans to reform the agriculture and received a response on June 1, 2023, as reported by ‘The Guardian’.

It was as a result of this problem that the king could having been prosecuted by justicesince the new reforms declared the lands that belong to the Head of State illicit.

Currently, the impunity of king Charles III will remain in force, since the only way in which he would lose it would be as a result of a more certain problem, as happened with the case of his brother, the prince andrew and his pedophilia scandal with the Epstein case.

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