King Charles III has revealed for the first time how he felt when he was diagnosed with cancer

On a visit to patients at the Macmillan cancer center at University College Hospital in London, the king Charles III He was very close and humane with people who, like him, are dealing with this disease, its consequences and its treatment.

In this public outing that he made in the company of Queen Camilla Parker, leaving aside his role as the highest monarch of the United Kingdom and behaving like just another patient, The king has revealed for the first time how he felt when he was told he had cancer.

Talking with the patients present there, and trusting them, he explained for the first time that when they gave him the diagnosis of cancer he felt very shocked: ‘I think it’s always a bit shocking when they tell you, right?‘ Likewise, and adding positivity to the situation, he expressed that the afternoon of the day of his visit he also had his treatment, but above all that he felt much better: ‘I’m fine, thank you very much, I’m not that bad‘.

Without a doubt, the moment for King Carlos III was very difficult, since no one expects to receive that type of news, but he has shown that one must have strength and the will to be optimistic to overcome obstacles.

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