King Felipe VI sent a Christmas speech in the midst of Queen Letizia’s infidelity scandal

He king Philip VI of Spain has made his traditional Christmas speech, his tenth as monarch, in the midst of all the scandal that has generated rumors of infidelity on the part of his wife, the queen Letizia. She has not touched on the subject, but the unpleasantness of the controversy remains completely latent.

In a speech more political than festive, King Felipe VI has addressed the Spanish people as he usually does every December 24, making it very clear that as Head of State, he will continue to support the magna carta that the Spanish population approved 45 years ago.

“We cannot allow the germ of discord to settle among us,” Don Felipe said in the middle of his speech, which also makes a resemblance to what is currently being experienced in Operetta around the controversial statements of Jaime Burgwhere he claims that Queen Letizia had an affair with him while she was already engaged to the monarch.

“I want to claim the Constitution as an essential instrument and guarantee so that the lives of Spaniards can continue to flow with confidence,” assures the King; «Outside respect for the Constitution there is no democracy or coexistence possible; there are no freedoms but imposition; There is no law, but arbitrariness. Outside of the Constitution there is no Spain in peace and freedom. A new pause and something essential expressed in just six words: “And together with the Constitution, Spain.”

The father of the Princess Eleanor has applauded the unity that Spanish civil society has had in recent years in every challenge that the powerful European nation has faced:

«The ultimate reason for our successes and progress has been the unity of our country. This unity will be the key so that we can successfully face the serious and complex future challenges that Spain faces today.

Concluding his speech, the king invited the population to value the country they have a little more:

«We should become more aware of the great country we have, Spain will continue forward and on that path will always be the Crown, “Not only because it is my duty as King, but also because it is my conviction.”

With this, the king Philip VI has addressed the public with a speech of supreme political intellect, ignoring everything that is said about the Royal family and inviting civil society to continue in unity.

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