Prince Andrew celebrates Christmas with royalty for the first time in public after Jeffrey Epstein scandal

This December 25, the media only directed their attention to an event that takes place every year and whose protagonist was prince andrewto King Charles III and the other members of the royal family, as the traditional Christmas mass was held in Sandringham, in Norfolk, with many familiar faces.

Although all the Windsors were gathered at this meeting, one of those who stole the most attention was Prince Andrew, as he seems to have returned to his royal role in the private and family events of the British royal family, after he was not allowed to attend. was allowed to do this because he was involved in the controversial case of Jeffrey Epsteinthe abduction of Ghislaine Maxwell and the non-denial or apology of these events in a television interview.

Everything seems to indicate that the case in which Prince Andrew was involved gained more strength when several documents on sex trafficking were published at the beginning of this year, which is why his royal titles were removed. were snatchedand what makes many wonder if he will re-emerge from this long nightmare he is living.

However, everything seems to be going well for him, since his presence at celebrating Christmas at mass with his entire family could indicate that his royal commitments have not yet ended, and that the relationship between him and the royal family continues. firm. Next to him was his ex-wife. Sarah Fergusonwith whom she divorced in 1996, but they continue to share the same home so as not to separate from their daughters, Beatriz and Eugenie.

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