Prince Harry’s radical change of attitude in the United States in the face of King Charles III’s illness

Previously, it was reported about the immediate and fleeting visit that the prince harry did to United Kingdom when it was revealed about the unspecified cancer that the king Charles III was suffering, and many royal fans claim that although both have not demonstrated a good public relationship, both are still father and son, which is why the Duke of Sussex most likely made this trip out of health concern. of the monarch.

However, it recently became clear that Prince Harry, contrary to what was thought, is not at all worried, and in fact maintains a fairly positive attitude, or at least this is what he demonstrated at the last gala of the NFL held a few hours after his return to the USAFar from being discouraged by his father’s situation, the youngest of the king’s sons seemed quite happy and with his confidence through the roof.

This, of course, caught the attention of several media outlets, who highlighted this radical change of attitude of the Duke of Sussex towards the monarch’s illnesssince, on the one hand, there are those who claim that this 360-degree turn in Harry’s emotions suggests that in reality King Charles III is out of any danger and that his case of cancer is something that is 100% % controlled by professionals.

But on the other side of the coin, there are those who have seen this radical and unexpected change of attitude from the brother of the prince williamas a clear sign that he cares little about what may happen to the leader of the British monarchy.

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