Princess Leonor’s mysterious glasses that differentiate her from her colleagues in her military training

The Princess Eleanor She has stood out during her training at the Zaragoza Military Academy, because with her influence of being a member of Spanish royalty she never goes unnoticed. And although she is having the same training as her colleagues, there is a specific article that makes her different from the others, drawing the attention of Internet users, who do not understand the fact.

The princess wears mysterious glasses that can only be seen on her and not on the rest of her military training companions.. This has been shown in several images where the teenager can be seen greeting her father during a visit he made to her very recently.

Princess Leonor, who will finish her course soon, ending her stay in Zaragoza, wears glasses that have the transparent crystals allowing them to see their eyes better behind them, while their colleagues who wear glasses also have them, but with dark lenses that protect their eyes from the sun.

Although it has not been revealed exactly why Princess Leonor wears a different item from those of her training companions, it has been expressed according to Spanish media that perhaps it would be so that her bodyguards could better identify her at the time of any unforeseen event, since when she went dressed in the same way as the rest and from a distant point it would be difficult to recognize her, while others suggest that this was by her own decision, without having any compelling reason.

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