Did it convince you? These were the proposals of Paola Suárez in the debate of candidates for a deputation – El Sol de México

The influencer Paola Suarezknown for being a member of The losses and who is also a candidate for the Labor Party for the local delegation for District 7 of Leónwas one of the five people who participated in the debate of candidates to reach the State Congresswhich was organized by the Electoral Institute of the State of Guanajuato.

The participation of Paola Suarez She was harshly criticized on social networks, as comments were made that she had not prepared for the debate and even those who pointed out that improvising to record videos on social networks was not the same as making proposals to improve the conditions of a city like León, Guanajuato. .

It may interest you: Paola Suárez, from Las Perdidas, will be a candidate for deputy for PT in Guanajuato

“Am Christian Ulyssesbetter known as Paolita Suarezthis is a new experience for me, but I am here to talk to you about the problems of the District 7; I cannot speak as a politician or professional representative, but I am your voice, the voice of the people,” said the influencer during her presentation.

Paola Suarez was questioned about what her proposal was to improve the issue of security in León, to which he responded that more is needed training for police. She said it like that because he said that she suffered robberies from them just because of her trans condition.

“I can tell you about the security because I have lived it since I was very little, security there in The Coecillowhere I have always lived, believe me that sometimes even the citizens there are afraid and instead of trusting the police, we are afraid of them.

I tell you because there are times when instead of the officers taking care of us, they go around robbing us and not just us, but the entire citizenry, when they stop you and you give them a bite and with that they leave very satisfied, then we have to train the police a littlesaid the PT candidate.

Paola Suarez He said that the issue of security It must also be solved from home and for this he proposed train families about how to educate your children.

“The education It is very important in homes, because from there the delinquency; If you don’t take good care of your son or daughter, you are going to send him or her out on the street and he or she will hang out with bad people, learn about all kinds of substances and take you to many places.

“We have to train familiesgive them therapies so that they can inform their children more, because right now there are many very young youth who are going to the streets,” he said.

Fines for those who leave their dogs on rooftops

Paola Suarez was also questioned in the debate about what proposal it had to legislate to prevent animal abuse and answered that although she does not have pets, fines should be applied to those who have their animals in poor conditions, on rooftops.

“Animals are a very important issue, I don’t have them, but if you are going to have an animal it is for you to take care of it, there are many people who have animals on their roofs, they have them without food, they have all of them skinny, I even had previously thought that you have to put a penalty fee Those people who have dogs only to fight, to make money, must be fined and if necessary, even a fine. jail sentancebecause animals are living beings like us, who feel, listen and also get sad.”

In addition, he said that people should be forced in some way to “pick up poop from the street, because that is very bad.”

More dams in León

Paola Suarez was also questioned about its proposals regarding water and how he would do legislatively to guarantee the supply of liquid in León, to which he responded that more should be done damsbecause in the municipality there is money for it.

“León, Guanajuato, has the resources to even create another prey“We know that water is not only from the rains, it also comes from the subsoil, so there is an economy, we just need a little brain to do it, water that comes from the rains, to grab all that water and recycle it.”

Train so that there are no “filthy people” He also proposed that to reduce pollution, a Today does not circulate for old cars.

“When I drive day after day, I see many cars that blow smog, so you have to put a check so that the cars do not circulate on that day, but I say that for old cars, like trucks, tractors, because they blow a lot. smog,” he said.

He also proposed training so that people do not throw garbage in the streets. “We are going to train people so that they are not so filthy and throw garbage in the street,” he said, and concluded his intervention: “we must also adopt a tree all families so that they can combat pollution.”

Paola Suarez He also spoke about his proposals regarding employmentwhere he said there should be tolerance towards ambulationin addition to creating support so that people can start a business.

The influencer and candidate of Labor Party She closed her participation, saying that it was a new experience for her and that they would give her the opportunity to serve her municipality and her neighborhood. The Coecillo.

“Being here is a very new experience for me, I know that I don’t know everything, but that doesn’t make me any less of a person, I am a person like everyone else who can be here, but this June 2nd, if you give me the opportunity, PT votes to more than anything make a change in the Barrio de The Coecilloin all the District 7.

“They have been saying on social media that I cannot take on this position, but I literally have a team behind me that is advising me and what I can tell you is that so many deputies who have been in charge of the District 7 and it is time to give the opportunity to a person like me, who is the voice of The Coecillo”.

It should be noted that at no time during the debate Paola Suarez used cards or read any document. Furthermore, she did not take advantage of her opportunities to respond nor did the other candidates address her to refute the proposals she made during the debate.

Published in The Sun of Irapuato

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