The German press referred to Infanta Sofía in a very curious way on her birthday.

On April 29, the Infanta Sofia She turned 17, celebrating in style with her family, Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI, and as expected, many media outlets reported the important news, highlighting the infanta’s qualities. However, there was one particular medium that He referred to her in a curious way, managing to stand out from the rest.

A German press outlet called ‘Bunte‘, like many yesterday, highlighted the birthday of the member of Spanish royalty in their headlines; however, He did it in a very particular way., because he called her: ‘Princess Leonor’s great support turns 17’. Although this medium erased the infanta’s name, it also wanted to emphasize the great support that the two sisters have for each other, in addition to explaining the details of the teenager’s birth.

And, as can be seen in each of the public outings that the Spanish family makes, Infanta Sofía and Princess Leonor always appear very close, acting together and demonstrating the true support that exists between the two.

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